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How to Promote your Podcast on Social Media in 4 Steps

Matt Eastland-Jones
Founder & Managing Director
Updated in:
November 2021
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So, you've recorded your podcast - congratulations! All those hours of planning, booking guests and recording have boiled down to a perfect final product. But now what? There's no point in having a great podcast if you've got no listeners - you need to promote it.

Social media is the perfect tool for you to use if you want to get your podcast out to the right audience. However, it's not as simple as posting a link on your Instagram account and hoping for the best. To help you make sure your strategy is the best it can be, here's our 4 step process to promoting your podcast on social media.

  1. Set up your accounts
  2. Plan your content
  3. Create a network
  4. Engage your audience

This is a overview of our podcast promotion process. Get in touch if you want to hear more about how we help our clients promote their podcasts.

1. Set Up Your Accounts

The very first thing to do is to set up dedicated accounts for your podcast. You want it to be a brand of its own, with clear messaging, so its best to avoid getting it muddled in with your own personal account.

By creating profiles specifically for your podcast, you can make sure that your audience knows exactly where to look when they're searching for updates.

When you're setting up the accounts, consider your audience. For example, think about whether Facebook or Twitter is more likely to be used by the people you're trying to reach.

2. Plan Your Content

The next thing you need to plan is your content. Whilst you'll want to post a variety of content, the really important posts are audiograms - short clips which give a taste of the podcast.

You'll need to create audiograms for each individual episode and make sure you optimise them for each platform. For example, creating squares to post on Instagram and stories for Instagram and Facebook.

Getting your audiograms right is essential because it gives your potential audience an instant flavour of what your podcast is about. They're also much more engaging than static posts.

Getting your audiograms right is essential because it gives your potential audience an instant flavour of what your podcast is about.

If you don't know how to make audiograms, has you covered. With just a few clicks, you can promote your podcast on social media with beautifully designed audiograms with no design skills needed.

You'll also need a strong hook - known as a 'call to action' to encourage people to click through to the actual episodes. These are usually one or two word phrases such as 'Listen Now!' which give a clear and decisive message.

If you want to learn more about how to increase engagement on your social media videos, read our blog post.

3. Create A Network

It's vital to remember the networking significance of social media. You can create and grow a network of followers which will increase your listenership in-turn.

There are several ways to grow your network. The easiest is to encourage any guests to share the links of their episodes. Whenever you have a guest on your show, it's the perfect opportunity to tap into someone else's network and reach a large group of prospective new listeners in one go.

The guest can either create their own post or share yours - you can even make it easy for them by giving them the content ready to post, so all they have to do is click the button!

You can also cross-promote with other podcasts, which is where you both use your own platform to promote the other's podcast. This is a mutually-beneficial arrangement, especially if your audiences have overlapping interests.

If you need help finding guests or promotion partners, check out Rephonic's 3D Graph tool to find podcasts similar to yours that you can collaborate with!

Rephonic Graph Tool

4. Engage Your Audience

Last but by no means least, it's imperative to engage your audience with your content. There are lots of ways to increase engagement. For example, you could take episode or guest suggestions from your listeners, or encourage them to send in questions for you to answer in the next episode.

Another way would be share behind the scenes content like pictures or videos of your recording sessions for example. This allows the audience to see a bit more of your personality away from the mic and you can also tease upcoming guests!

Share behind the scenes content like pictures or videos. This allows the audience to see a bit more of your personality away from the mic and you can also tease upcoming guests!

Finally, you might also consider running a reviews competition. This is where you encourage your listeners to leave reviews for your show on whichever platform they listen on. Anyone who does so can be entered into a draw to win a prize, making it a win-win for both you and your listeners!

So there you have it, our top tips for making sure you ace your podcast promotion on social media. If you found this useful, share it with your fellow podcasters and follow us on social to stay up to date with our latest posts.

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