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How to Create a Business Podcast that Converts

Matt Eastland-Jones
Founder & Managing Director
Updated in:
February 2022
minute read
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Creating a podcast for your business is a great idea, it can increase your visibility to potential customers, help them connect with your business and even generate leads. But all the time, effort and cost may be wasted if you have nothing to show for it at the end.

To help you avoid that situation, here’s our guide to creating a business podcast which converts...

Think about the listener

The first and most important thing you need to consider is who your audience is. Are your target market the kinds of people who listen to podcasts? If not then a business podcast probably isn’t going to be much help to you.

Similarly, it’s important to think about the people who are going to listen to the podcast and whether they are likely to click through and buy your product or service as a result. Again, if the answer is ‘no’ then you’re not making the best use of your resources.

In short, you need to clearly identify your target market and be sure that it aligns with your potential audience.

Don’t be too corporate

Considering the listener can also inform the content of your podcast. You need to think about what content the audience will engage with and actually listen to.

Nobody wants to sit through an hour-long advert for your business, so don’t be overly corporate and think more subtly about how to promote yourself via podcasting.

Nobody wants to sit through an hour-long advert for your business.

For example, if you’re a travel agent and you’re starting a podcast, consider making it a guide to different destinations. This way, you can promote the leads you hope the customer will follow, whilst still guaranteeing that audience will be engaged and continue listening.

Make it easy for the audience

The subtle approach always runs the slight risk of your audience not being converted, because the content isn’t directly about your business. You can easily avoid this issue though, by making it simple for the listeners to click through to your site.

Embed links in your shownotes, synchronise your podcast with social media, and make sure you mention your product or service throughout the content to keep it fresh in the listeners’ minds. Just remember - be subtle!

Track your ROI

Return on investment (ROI) tells you how effectively you’re spending your money. Of course, you don’t want to spend on something which isn’t working, so it’s really important to have a handle on the ROI for your podcast.

One way to measure the ROI is to include trackable links in your shownotes. These links will allow you to see how many listeners are clicking through to your website from the shownotes.

One way to measure the ROI is to include trackable links in your shownotes.

If the numbers aren’t what you were hoping for, you can make changes to see what works and find the right formula.

Another way to measure the ROI of your podcast is to include promotional codes for discounts or special offers. You can track the number of times these codes are used to guage how much revenue has been generated through your podcast.

Always be objective

This is a tricky one, especially if you’ve been heavily involved in the production process along the way, but always remember to take a step back and look at your podcast objectively from time to time.

You need to make sure that your podcast is providing value to your listeners. That's how you keep listeners coming back, and that's how you convert them to customers.

You need to make sure that your podcast is providing value to your listeners. That's how you keep listeners coming back, and that's how you convert them to customers.

A good business podcast can convert them effectively, but you need to step back and look at it through their eyes before your publish it.

And that’s it for our guide to creating a business podcast that converts! If you’ve found this blog helpful, make sure you share it with your fellow podcasters and follow us for more handy hints and top podcasting tips!

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