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Video Content & Metrics for Every Stage of the Customer Journey

Matt Eastland-Jones
Founder & Managing Director
Updated in:
February 2024
minute read
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Action Points:
Identify which stage of the customer journey your video content currently targets, and consider how to diversify it across all stages.
Analyse your existing video content metrics and identify areas for improvement.
Plan and produce one new type of video content that you haven't utilised yet.
Implement a new method for measuring video effectiveness, such as surveys to measure brand awareness or tracking repeat customer rates.

We're embarking on a journey through the customer lifecycle, exploring how different types of video content can enhance each stage of their journey. But we're not stopping there; we'll dive into what these videos are and how they serve their purpose. Let’s break down these video types and their roles in moving your audience from awareness to loyalty.

1. The Awareness Stage: Grabbing Attention

At the start of the journey, your goal is to make your audience aware of your brand and offerings. This is where Explainer Videos, Brand Films, and Social Media Videos come into play. They should be engaging, informative, and shareable.

  • Explainer Videos: These are short, engaging videos that explain your product or service simply and effectively. Think of them as your brand's elevator pitch in visual form, designed to spark interest and understanding in just a few minutes.
  • Brand Films: These videos are less about selling and more about storytelling. They convey your company’s mission, culture, and values, building an emotional connection with your audience by showcasing what stands behind your brand.
  • Social Media Videos: These are bite-sized clips designed for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. They're quick, engaging, and crafted to capture the fleeting attention of potential customers scrolling through their feeds. The goal? Increase brand awareness and make viewers want to learn more.

Metrics to measure in the Awareness Stage:

Views and Impressions: These are your baseline metrics. High numbers mean high reach. But remember, they don't tell you everything about engagement.

  • Pros - Easy to track, good for understanding reach
  • Cons - Doesn't indicate viewer engagement or interest level

Engagement Rate: Likes, shares, and comments are your gold here. They indicate that people aren't just watching; they're interacting.

  • Pros - Indicates audience interaction and interest
  • Cons - Can be skewed by social media algorithms or non-targeted audience interactions

Brand Awareness: Consider conducting surveys before and after your campaign to measure the real impact on brand recognition.

  • Pros - Directly measures impact on awareness
  • Cons - Time-consuming and may require additional resources.

Views and impressions are straightforward but shallow metrics. Engagement rates offer deeper insights but can be influenced by many factors. Brand awareness gives you a direct line to the consumer's mind, though it requires a bit more legwork to measure.

2. The Consideration Stage: Building Trust and Interest

Now, your audience knows you exist, but why should they choose you? Enter Product Demos, Testimonials, and Educational Content. These videos help build trust and authority.

  • Product Demos: These videos show your product or service in action. Unlike traditional ads, they focus on how your offerings work and the value they provide, helping potential customers visualise themselves using them.
  • Testimonials and Case Studies: Nothing builds trust like seeing real people vouch for your product. These videos feature satisfied customers or clients sharing their positive experiences with your brand, providing social proof and reducing skepticism.
  • Educational Content: Here, the focus is on providing value through how-to videos, tutorials, or webinars. This type of content positions your brand as a helpful authority in your field, building trust and keeping your audience engaged.

Metrics to measure in the Consideration Stage:

Watch Time/Completion Rate: This tells you if people are interested enough to watch your content through to the end.

  • Pros - Indicates viewer interest and engagement with content
  • Cons - Longer content may naturally have lower completion rates.

Click-Through Rate (CTR): High CTR means your video successfully encourages viewers to take the next step.

  • Pros - Measures how effectively video prompts action
  • Cons - Can be influenced by external factors like the quality of the call-to-action

Lead Generation: The number of leads generated from each video gives you a clear picture of its effectiveness.

  • Pros - Directly tied to business objectives
  • Cons - Not all leads may be qualified.

Watch time can provide insights into engagement levels, though longer videos naturally have lower completion rates. CTR is a strong action-based metric but can be influenced by external factors. Lead generation is directly tied to ROI, though not all leads are created equal.

3. The Conversion Stage: Encouraging Action

You've got their attention and trust; now it's time to convert. Live Demos, Personalised Videos, and FAQ Videos can answer final questions and nudge prospects over the line.

  • Live Demos/Webinars: These are real-time demonstrations or educational sessions. They offer an interactive experience where potential customers can ask questions and see your products or services in detail, helping nudge them towards making a purchase.
  • Personalised Videos: Tailored messages to potential customers can significantly boost conversion rates. These videos address the viewer by name, discuss their specific needs or pain points, and offer tailored solutions, making them feel understood and valued.
  • FAQ Videos: These address common questions or concerns potential customers might have. By providing clear and concise answers, FAQ videos help remove barriers to purchase, making it easier for viewers to make a decision.

Metrics to measure in the Conversion Stage:

Conversion Rate: This is the big one – how many viewers are turning into customers?

  • Pros - Directly measures effectiveness in driving sales
  • Cons - Can be influenced by factors outside the video itself

Sales Growth: Are your videos translating to an uptick in sales?

  • Pros - Clear indicator of financial impact
  • Cons - May not be solely attributable to video efforts.

Customer Feedback/Satisfaction: After viewing your videos, how do customers feel about your brand?

  • Pros - Provides direct insight into customer perceptions
  • Cons - Subjective and can be influenced by external factors.

Conversion rate directly correlates with your video’s effectiveness but remember, external factors can play a role. Sales growth is a clear success indicator, though it's not always solely due to your video efforts. Customer feedback is invaluable but can be subjective.

4. The Retention Stage: Enhancing Loyalty

Congratulations, they’ve converted! But the journey doesn’t end here. Thank You Videos, Instructional Content, and Community Event Highlights can help keep your customers engaged and loyal.

  • Thank You Videos: A simple yet powerful way to show appreciation, these videos can make customers feel valued and foster loyalty. A personalized thank you can go a long way in turning a one-time buyer into a repeat customer.
  • Instructional and Support Videos: After purchase, customers may need help getting the most out of your product or service. These videos guide them through setup, troubleshooting, or getting started, enhancing their experience and satisfaction.
  • Community and Event Videos: Showcasing your brand's involvement in events or community initiatives can strengthen customer ties and build a sense of belonging. These videos highlight your ongoing commitment to your customers and community, reinforcing their decision to choose you.

Metrics to measure in the Retention Stage:

Repeat Customer Rate: This shows whether customers are coming back for more.

  • Pros - Indicates customer loyalty and satisfaction
  • Cons - May not solely reflect the impact of video content.

Customer Support Queries: A decrease in queries can indicate that your instructional content is effective.

  • Pros - Reduction can indicate effective informational content
  • Cons - Multiple factors can influence customer queries.

Engagement on Post-Purchase Content: Are customers still interacting with your brand?

  • Pros - Indicates continued interest and engagement
  • Cons - Engagement does not always translate to satisfaction or loyalty.

Repeat customer rate is a direct measure of loyalty but may be influenced by factors other than your video content. Support queries can provide indirect feedback on your instructional content’s effectiveness. Engagement metrics are great for understanding post-purchase behaviour but don't always translate directly to satisfaction.

Wrap up

In the world of video marketing, content is king, but measurement is queen. By understanding and tracking the right metrics at each stage of the customer journey, you can create more targeted, effective video content that resonates with your audience and drives results.

Remember, no single metric will give you all the answers. Instead, use them in combination to paint a fuller picture of your video marketing performance. Align your video content and metrics with your overall business goals, and don’t be afraid to adjust your strategy based on what the data tells you.

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